Thursday, February 1, 2007

In my first few weeks of blogging I've learned so much that I'm sure will be very useful in my future both in and out of the class room. Just creating the blog has upped my computer savvy several degrees. I'm so excited every time I sit down to blog. I can hardly refrain from just blogging all of the time.
I'm so sure this will come in useful when I begin teaching. I can have my students create their own blogs so that they may network or branch out into the great big ole wide world. So much to discover out there about the human experience in the world of blogging.
Only negative part I may foresee is the whole predator type thing. However, education on and about that can most probably remedy any possibility for problems.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hello campers.

blogging for the sake of blogging!!!! new-fangled communication rocks!!! I can change the world now.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

top secret

This is all code....... if you're in the group you'll receive a key...

don't try to break it..won't happen.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

present and a f

i'm here


this is my weekly required post. in the future I hope to have more to say than this. However, for the purposes of this class, this should be a sufficient demonstration of my understaning and ability to blog.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

link to tuesday thursday 2 class blog

to go to the tuesday thursday 2 class blog click here.

welcome all

hi, kids. welcome to my blog. some of yous know me. some of yous have only heard about me. however you came by this, i hope we can reach a good understanding of each others.